Taranaki rain . . .
an image of Fujisan
breaks through
Taranaki rain . . .
an image of Fujisan
breaks through
shady tree —
a cicada cools down
its ardour
a river's sound
invites me to stare
into shadows
completing now
what begins in mystery . . .
garden shrine
garden shrine —
a snail retracts
its stalks
mountain chill —
flowing tears slow
to a crawl
forbidden path . . .
hiking up the stairway
to heaven
bridge of stars . . .
a handmaid nurses
the divine
under milkweed
a butterfly begins
at the beginning
hokkus pokkus . . .
all credibility
navel gazing . . .
the Neon Buddha cracks
a cheesy grin
shaky start!
the chicken and egg
urban blooms . . .
a rapper chews his words
al dente
dead sea scrolls . . .
the repetition of words
going nowhere
summer wind . . .
cloud shadows dappling
parched fields
ah, into one shade
many-hued chrysanthemums
fade, wither, and die
shallow stream . . .
sunlight trickles over
a white stone
dawn chorus . . .
footprints wander in
from a dream
windswept sea —
failing light submerges
beyond all this
mountain cloud
yielding space to dance
between dreams
mountain dawn . . .
the ineffable burns
in a hebe
mountain wind . . .
what hunger is this
howling leaves?
broken bowl —
gone too the emptiness
it once held
is a mirror turned
to my face
a bull whip
snaps about darting fish —
night without end
drought relief . . .
a fair weather friend
takes a dump
star gazing . . .
my eyes piece together
shards of darkness
sand garden . . .
a chatter of leaves
come to rest