notice board . . .
messages curl around
rusting pins
notice board . . .
messages curl around
rusting pins
dark forest—
the sound of leaf rustle
within me
this dark night,
how long does it stretch?
distant bird
a pen sounds out
the ache
earth awaits
fervor's infilling . . .
night tremor
lost to age . . .
his path expands in dreams
across the wasteland
night tremor . . .
ancient vessels groan against
their moorings
wintry rage . . .
summer simmers soundly
haiku drip
with inanities
on life's parade . . .
is this real?
the oceanic swell
of dry land
winter night —
the earth resounds
off key
winter moves
through my body —
spider web
winter dawn —
the loss of life
while we slept
lightning flash —
city streets rumble
free of words
before dawn —
white crosses fly through
city streets
under her feet,
the dankness of rotten leaves
joins the dance
dead low water —
my coming and my going
merge as one
morning chill —
'quardle oodle ardle'
magpies signing in
an abyss
drumming between stars —
wordless vigil
through this valley
generations have trod
. . . have trod
a thin line parses tense between us
stormlit sky —
the still rolling 'r's
of the locals
breath mist —
the words I whisper
in my face
bitter wind . . .
no longer the sting
of absence
crescent moon —
light drowns within palms
of emptiness
far away —
the sound of a river
shaping worlds
shining cuckoo!
another must reap
what you sow
this stillness!
where does it come from,
ebbing tide?
a night
slow in ending
inches by . . .
candle flame —
a breeze flickers by
with darkness
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