nature break . . .
the clerk gets a whiff
of his body
December 2013
after love
my emptiness . . .
my self
human at one nature in divine forever now
Taranaki rain . . .
an image of Fujisan
breaks through
ninth hour . . .
wind ripples sink
into the pond
deepening night . . .
the becoming flesh
of some shadow
at year's end
wanting nothing else
i gorge on my tail
skylark on the rise . . .
a buddhist neophyte clings
to his apron strings
after the storm
a heron between this breath
and the next
grave silence . . .
a dancer slips out
of her dance
this summer
my friends enfolded now
in these dreams
of their unfolding
rainlight —
a new covenant
fills the air
altarwise vigil —
from the bottom of the well
a light at the end?
silent night . . .
a foetus sucks
its toe
Christmas eve —
a tree shadow inches
up Golgotha
pine breeze . . .
emptiness rustles
through my sketch
by this light
my shadow's shimmer
becomes me
summer rain . . .
the delirium of flies
slimy pool
the reflection of me
in its source
a god jumps into its conclusion
laid bare
a chthonic god
wastes away
in the folds
of a road map . . .
coupling flies
setting sun . . .
the lengths my shadow
will grow to
private concerns -
I yield to general
the alley cat eyeing
who's on first
in memory of Madiba
what wind passes through
river reeds?
dawn parade —
a combed poet crows
his glory
logic gate —
a cat smiles hellbent
with the moon
humid night —
an ordinary life
deeply livid
winter gloom . . .
a bird folds into
its shadows
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