the presence of bones
found near the heron's nest
kokako at noon
the presence of bones
found near the heron's nest
kokako at noon
with a trip
of the tongue
new leaves
full dress rehearsal
for an extinction event—
this masquerade ball
flattening curve—
if you almost see the ground,
shed the parachute
event horizon
he is the pupil
of his eye
viral news—
it's the little things
that matter
not to be sneezed at
a dead end
made out of mist
first born cull
behind blood-stained doors
we eat lamb
within my bubble
sealing the isolation
sound of water
at seventy
my breath becomes
black as death
crow's song of itself
goes viral
Palm Sunday
the debt collectors
wring their hands
how Love
in the Time of Cholera
plays out
Palm Sunday
the resounding hosannas
sounding less hollow
wet market
a pangolin's distress
goes viral
wherever it falls
a word
without a voice
a newcomer showers us
with syllables