footprints left behind recollected by hourglass
2022 Notebooks
river of grace—
blessed are the favelas
under outstretched arms
a metonymy
of means
blossom clouds—
do the bells sound from Edo
or Tokyo?
from Robben Island
a white tablecloth lies draped
over apartheid
I am a camera
bidding goodbye to Berlin
—cabaret night
real or royal
a triple-peaked hill
spears the heart
penal colony—
a mezzo-soprano sings
with deep conviction
old city sewer—
you too can be the centre
of an empire
silence is the language of the enlightened
silence is the dialogue between shadow and shadowed
silence is the background radiation enveloping my song
silence is the final stage of time's lethal assault
silence is the gap between perception and wonder
silence is the tear that connects I to thou
silence is the last refuge of the divine within me
silence is the glossolalia of love
silence is the grace given to resist inanity
silence is the marriage bed of communion
silence is the final resting place of separation
silence is the inner fire of the poet and the saint
silence is the never-ending debate between being and nothingness
silence is the kumara below the earth
silence is the cell division of a fertilised ovum
silence is a sunset at Otaki Beach
silence is the blue of my daughter's eyes
silence is self-expression refined to perfection