mindmapping unobservable universes
August 2015
deep space field
dark matter shadow-plays
in my eyes
a mayfly
before the beginning
of words
the mea culpa
of dreams
Anzac Day—
war button-holed now
on lapels
(to my daughter)
(to my daughter)
word by word
light withdraws
it has no self
cooing dove
the hedgehog
curling into itself
tip-toe through the death
of beached waves
somewhere deep
within the blast of time
a silence grows
her lightness of footfall
on the earth
august end
a sacrifice of weeds
for the harvest
winter ends—
a dark alphabet
shreds the moon
the one casting
my shadow
digital dewfall—
haiku via hypertext
transfer protocol
the pitter patter
of little feats
making hay
while the sun still shines—
Wall Street zombies
wind sailing
a hawk
catches my breath
red on white
the cross-cut
I abstain from
from the soil
I tug away at
after frost
the vividness
of being
planting alone
in this too
I am spring rain
petal shower—
the words I’ll never write
sounding distant
through the puddles my progress
winter's end mist moving the light
oatstraw tea—
the taste of reaping
what was sown
mate tea—
my first love reborn
and her lips
fingering humus
again the innocence
I thought I once had
Mulla Nasrudin shifts
a candle
spring's early shoots—
brother sun, sister rain
reawaken me
El Niño—
mother earth brings us
to our knees
wisps of valley mist
yield to the sun and are lost
to sky, to emptiness—
tell me again mayfly
just what has been the point?
mass war grave—
a universe bleeds out
of dulled dreams
wretched poet
seeding fathomless depths
with shallow words
the wind tonight
becomes a symphony
of native chants
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