August 2016
an apple
drawn and quartered
in my genes
cold war –
will and want shadowed
on the walls
winter ends –
I am slowly weathered
into whiteness
last embers –
light swaying between
me and not-me
bleeding out
from my own shadow
my anima
when I name it
what is it you see?
your absence
with the wind
images of old friends
birds and clouds
snatched from the beak
of a hummingbird
the long silence –
tell-tale signs hand-palm
my meninges
unseasonal words –
earth becomes seized by
its climacteric
darkness breasting
divine silence –
cross-hair of words strained
between stars
only a hush this pervasive
spring creepers –
once again death swept
under the carpet
waning moon –
this failure to let go
of language
bleak stillness
a wave beaches
divining reality
a bayleaf falls
then too
forever now
out of mind
just like that
a post-war ploughshare
in the flesh
pleases me
with this word
then this
the ever-before
morning dew
sacred once more
signs of spring . . .
seedlings coil tightly
down under
one haiku
is never enough . . .
winter rain
dawn drizzle
in a delicacy
of light
bobbing through dreams too
a refined savagery
that seem to be words
black sea-shore
my homage overspent
in the west
after rain
soundlessness rises
from the leaves
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