moon in mist —
a momentary glimpse
through my doubt
November 2017
rainbow warrior —
a zodiac boat prowls
through the stars
in the east
ranges croak up
all at once
some pumice bobs up
from the past
core alone on the tundra
merciful wind —
bruised reeds are unbroken
and flax flower
from nowhere
a wave overshadows
the last rock-pool
dry creek bed
face to face with
my extinction
a sign where the circle ends
light to read the directions of mist by
wide-eyed world woven with webbing
open grave doubts about life
in shadows
my search for words
to be ignored
extinct shadows
re-enact the thrill
of the hunt
still water
the night heavy
over itself
epitaph granite faced to the end
her earth mound
new for only a day
or two
cow cockies spark off
each other
her lavalava
colours Sale'aula's field —
the lingering heat
why fuss so, cicada?
my imago must be
four times yours
after pissing
on the trumperor's parade
so much water under the bridge
moon in the clouds
my best poker face
lost in translation
evening sun
the cosmos carries a torch
for her footfall
the poet
the poet dwells
at a safe distance
from words
the poet
pussyfoots around
the utter brink
the poet paces out
the sound of space
the poet
hot off the press
goes silent
the poet goes
between breaths
the poet
pads out
the silences
the poet
lipsynchs his reflection
in tranquility
the poet
skirts the edges
of relevance
the poet
rattles off
his mortal coil
the poet at home
with the loneliness
of a long-distance runner
the poet
scratches the imagined limits
of his horizons
the poet
his nest egg
the poet
measures his success
in tossed panties
the poet loses
his daytime job
to the moon
the poet quickens
to the sound
of his own voice
the poet
strikes a pose
off its pedestal
the poet
plays out
the party line
the poet weeps
as sound and sense end
his abstinence
the poet
a moment
the poet
loses himself
in his words
of end times the hearth flicker in earthen hearts
a match struck
against the darkness —
dawn awakening
november dusk
the heat of the day
an afterglow
tongues of fire
lick me back to when
i was without
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