Failed Haiku 24

Failed Haiku 24

  • amateur hour

    amateur hour
    while a poet writes
    the pine sighs

  • off-shore breeze

    off-shore breeze
    seagulls gather around

  • spring greeting

    spring greeting —
    my echo awaits
    my response

  • the poet

    the poet


    the poet dwells
    at a safe distance
    from words

    the poet
    pussyfoots around
    the utter brink

    the poet paces out
    the sound of space

    the poet
    hot off the press
    goes silent

    the poet goes
    between breaths

    the poet
    pads out
    the silences

    the poet
    lipsynchs his reflection
    in tranquility

    the poet
    skirts the edges
    of relevance

    the poet
    rattles off
    his mortal coil

    the poet at home
    with the loneliness
    of a long-distance runner

    the poet
    scratches the imagined limits
    of his horizons

    the poet
    his nest egg

    the poet
    measures his success
    in tossed panties

    the poet loses
    his daytime job
    to the moon

    the poet quickens
    to the sound
    of his own voice

    the poet
    strikes a pose
    off its pedestal

    the poet
    plays out
    the party line

    the poet weeps
    as sound and sense end
    his abstinence

    the poet
    a moment

    the poet
    loses himself
    in his words