Simply Haiku
Simply Haiku
in the rites of death...
autumn dreams
the voice of God...
Bethells Beach
eye contact
eye contact...
we breathe this mist
in silence
Haiku (tr. into Japanese by Ikuyo Yoshimura, Greek by Constantine Fourakis, Collage by Zoe Savina)
Simply Haiku - Summer 2012
making use
making use
of the long drop...
falling leavesSimply Haiku - Autumn/Winter 2011
Haiku by New Zealand Poets, Past and Present - Selected by Sandra Simpson
moon viewing
moon viewing...
a slit of cloud
parts her eye
southern cross
southern cross...
ancient dreams seep
through the gaps
spring alarm
spring alarm...
dawn awakens
before me
spring tide
spring tide...
one godwit still
in flight
tattered crow
tattered crow
flying at half-mast...
this chill wind
the wording
the wording
of her epitaph...
spring tendrils
violent dawn
violent dawn...
light slices open
the blackbird's song
waning light
waning light -
the sea too flickers
with fire
while she turns
while she turns
to view the moon...
lapping waves