Otata 37

Otata 37

  • A Wake of Vultures

    autumn's end . . .
    a vulture turns over
    the pieces


    urban garden . . .
    among skeletal trees
    a vulture waits


    summer grasses . . .
    a vulture circles over
    soldier's dreams


    stricken ill
    a vulture scavenges
    extant dreams


    dawn parade . . .
    a vulture flies itself
    at half-mast


    moon halo —
    the vulture eyes
    a ring finger


    Irish stew —
    finnegan's wake
    of vultures


    branching out —
    vultures in committee
    form a quorum


    a vulture
    sniffs out the state
    of Denmark


    seventh day . . .
    vultures feed on the


    pas de deux . . .
    a vulture outsmarts
    the crow


    darkening sky . . .
    vultures keep watch over
    a vale of tears


    empty sky . . .
    a vulture returns
    to fuck all


  • breath of wind


  • cicada shell


  • deepening darkness


  • dragonfly


  • headstone


  • in between flashes

    in between flashes
    the presence of trees
    no longer there


  • neither nor


  • the glory of being

    the glory of being not as it seems