May 2017
a world hangs on
evewy word
in his uterine tomb
my son sheds his skin
seven billion
of us interpreting
bent on freezing
dewdrops on bended knees
post-op ward
the trickle-down effect
of catheters
mirror mist
I almost believe
that I'm real
manna . . .
dewfallen light
by darkness
cold comfort . . .
my breath blooms in
suspended animation
word-weak moon
awe erupts from me
in groans
half a day-moon
sunset cannot tint it
in blazing clouds
no trump deal
with each breath
caring less
leaf shadows
dancing with the languor
of the sun
right wing bias
passengers hurtle towards
a revolution
winter wind
a girl tunes in
to the pine
may day! may day!
the entire shebang
is crashing down
leaf mulch
subject verb and object
in disarray
seven planes
on still points