Good Friday 2013

last supper —
from olive eyes
moonlight seeps 
garden snake —
a kiss by moonlight
betrays me
night trial —
words of blasphemy
twist my lips
crowing cock — 
all that I desire,
I deny 
last judgement —
death is delivered
with clean hands
bloody dawn —
derision tears me open
with words
bitter cup —
the shape of love
crushing dreams
empty cup —
a mushroom props up
a sagging bloom
day moon . . .
a girl's tears soak up
the mystery
cross purposes . . . 
between heaven and hell
love stretches out
sun strike — 
I turn inwards
to the light
broken circle —
hands that once were joined
joined without
emptiness —
love drains the cup's
last drops
death chamber —
even the echoes
fade away