Blo͞o Outlier Journal

Blo͞o Outlier Journal

Blo͞o Outlier Journal
edited by special guest editors Grix, Kat Lehmann, and Editor-in-Chief, Alan Summers

  • Not An I In Sight

    Clay fashioned into a semblance of a self. At first a form ready to be washed away as thinning earth colour back into the mire or to be baked into a figurative moment of permanence separated from its origins. 

    Is such a making independent of will or is it the fruit of a profound silence knowing only itself?


    warping mirror

    between the shapeless 
    and the shaped

    an old man
    no longer astonished

    a yawning gulf 

    that the reflection
    is him

    The waking hour strips the world of an irretrievable gift. A gift so deeply intimate that it is only conceivable in the stumbling beginnings of aspirated words which may remain no more than glimpsed reflections. It bears the traces of the weightlessness of shadows from the timeless instant of the bringing forth of light by word alone.

    anywhen breeze
    the moon swans about
    its reflections